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Monstering/Crewing at a LARP event is an important part of the event. Without monsters the players will have no-one to fight against or interact with. Yet people frequently seem not to understand why it is so important, what it entails and why it can be just as much fun as playing when done right.
What is monstering? Well monstering is essentially pretending to be a monster as opposed to playing a specific character. You get given some stats and you play the role you are assigned till its eventual conclusion, normally a horrible death at the hands of the players.
Anyone can monster at any one of our events, you can even turn up for just part of an event if you need to. The Design Team and the players appreciate you spending time monstering at our events spending even you can only make it for a few hours. The more monsters we have means the Design Team have more flexibility to adapt to players action and the players get a better experience.
Advantages of Monstering
1) Monstering is Free, we do not charge you to take part.
Note: For Catered events, there will be a cost if you want to partake of the meals we offer.
2) We provide all the weapons and equipment you will need
3) You will earn Fealty Points which can be traded in for bonus XP for a character or can give you discounts off the price to play an event (more details below).
4) It is a great way to get introduced to the system or to the hobby without having to spend money on kit, weapons and costume.
To encourage people to Monster events for us we offer Fealty Points as a reward.
Fealty Point Awards
For a normal event there are 10 Fealty Points awarded for anyone who crews for the entire event. For Easter events there are 20 Points. If a crew member cannot crew the entire weekend they will be awarded a portion of the event reward based on how much of the event they were able to take part in.
Anyone who has paid to play an event and spends at least one whole section of the event crewing will receive 10 Fealty Points.
Anyone, player or monster, who makes a significant contribution to help clear up after an event will be awarded up to 10 Fealty Points as a thank you from the event team. This does not include the clean up of an individual's camp or sleeping area as everyone is expected to be responsible for leaving such areas in at least a good a condition as they found them.
Finally the System Organizers may choose to award Fealty Points for other situations as they feel is necessary. Usually this would be for someone going out of their way to do something that significantly benefits the system, such as a donation of kit to the system.
What can Fealty Points be used for?
In order to try and make Fealty Points useful and therefore more appealing to people we have tried to make them as beneficial to people as possible. Therefore they can be used as follows:
10 Fealty Point = 1 XP for a character of your choosing.
2 Fealty Points = £1 discount on the player price of an event
1 Fealty Point = a one time payment of 25 crowns added to the character of your choosing.
1 Fealty Point = a one time award of 25 crowns worth of one resource type to the character of your choosing.
10 Fealty Points = a 35 crown per event ongoing income for a character of your choosing
10 Fealty Points = a 35 crown per event worth of resources as an ongoing income for a character of your choosing.
Further uses may be defined over time as the Design Team feels appropriate. Please let us know if you have any suggestions.
Once a Fealty Point is used it is gone until more are earned, once assigned to a specific character they cannot be un-assigned.
Booking On
To help us plan events, we need monsters to book on to events using our Crew booking form. Please make sure you let us know on the booking form if you will not be able to attend the whole event and if possible what time we will be able to expect you over the event weekend.