Faded Glory Event 18 :: DSC00955_1280x720
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From: Emmy (Mon Jul 23 11:49:56 2012)
do you know yeee on the right side where say's Add Page and little down there is 5 or more sqaeurs clik any of thos sqaeurs an you will go to another page and then you can edit that page how ever you want!!!!Hope it helped a bite!!! ))
From: Emmy (Mon Jul 23 11:50:01 2012)
do you know yeee on the right side where say's Add Page and little down there is 5 or more sqaeurs clik any of thos sqaeurs an you will go to another page and then you can edit that page how ever you want!!!!Hope it helped a bite!!! ))
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First Photo (Accesskey 'F') Previous Photo (Accesskey 'P') 129 of 588 Next Photo (Accesskey 'N') Last Photo (Accesskey 'L')
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Gallery: Faded Glory LRP Gallery navigate UP Album: Faded Glory Event 18 navigate UP (accesskey 'U')
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