Faded Glory Event 18 :: DSC00970_1280x720
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From: Mohd (Mon Jul 23 02:48:21 2012)
In what way? Not really. I mean Brad Pitt is Billy Beane, and Jonah Hill is Peter Brand (a padroy of Paul DePodesta, who refused to lend his name to the movie), and the scouts are actual MLB scouts. They've got a guy to play Art Howe, and then the key baseball players are represented.
From: Mohd (Mon Jul 23 02:48:22 2012)
In what way? Not really. I mean Brad Pitt is Billy Beane, and Jonah Hill is Peter Brand (a padroy of Paul DePodesta, who refused to lend his name to the movie), and the scouts are actual MLB scouts. They've got a guy to play Art Howe, and then the key baseball players are represented.
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