Faded Glory Event 21 :: 3034_1157228690300_1215210946_30452486_5355133_n
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From: Loredana (Fri Mar 29 04:25:53 2013)
- So you don't know me, but I got a link to your blog from my friend Mindy. Anyway, I check back every now and then beuacse I LOVE your photography and saw Mindy's family's shots. I'm dreaming and saving for a time we could have you photograph our family! Anyway, thanks for the glipses of art!
From: Loredana (Fri Mar 29 04:25:55 2013)
- So you don't know me, but I got a link to your blog from my friend Mindy. Anyway, I check back every now and then beuacse I LOVE your photography and saw Mindy's family's shots. I'm dreaming and saving for a time we could have you photograph our family! Anyway, thanks for the glipses of art!
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