Faded Glory Event 21 :: 3034_1157229010308_1215210946_30452494_5369455_n
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From: Lydie (Fri Mar 29 04:39:28 2013)
Lindsay - Great, how am I supposed to know what nuembr you are at now so I can strategically plan my post? I think the contest should have been for the first responder, because I am the first responder. Just kidding.Lovely pictures! Jeff and I need to visit San Jose!
From: Lydie (Fri Mar 29 04:39:37 2013)
Lindsay - Great, how am I supposed to know what nuembr you are at now so I can strategically plan my post? I think the contest should have been for the first responder, because I am the first responder. Just kidding.Lovely pictures! Jeff and I need to visit San Jose!
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