Faded Glory Event 21 :: 3034_1157245890730_1215210946_30452627_6728381_n
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From: Bruna (Mon Jul 23 06:23:19 2012)
Either way, you should see the movie. I thhogut it was going to be this Hollywood crap, but I was surprised how accurate it was based on the book. Of course the movie is not the whole story, but when do you ever get the full story from the movie? It's always about the book.
From: Bruna (Mon Jul 23 06:23:20 2012)
Either way, you should see the movie. I thhogut it was going to be this Hollywood crap, but I was surprised how accurate it was based on the book. Of course the movie is not the whole story, but when do you ever get the full story from the movie? It's always about the book.
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